
Poke around and join the conversation! Commentary, insights, and thought leadership to keep you in the know.

Canada Day Is Not A Celebration

This Canada Day, let's talk about the ongoing impacts of settler-colonialism, challenge harmful practices, and support Indigenous voices and initiatives.
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Celebrating Women’s History Month Equitably

As we celebrate, reflect, and learn, it’s important we do so in a way that doesn’t exacerbate inequities.
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Black American English: A Language In Its Own Right, Not Anyone’s To Recite

The simultaneous commodification and disdain of Black culture and language needs to be unpacked.
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Navigating “Happy” Holidays Amidst Diverse Realities

Dr. Saska pens an intimate blog about her experiences during the holidays, a traditionally happy and Christian-centric time of year.
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Calling In Hockey Canada For A Collective and Equitable Future

Dr. James and Dr. Saska pen a blog about encouraging accountability--not cancellation--amidst Hockey Canada's ongoing crisis.
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Inclusive and Accessible Emoji Practices For Our Increasingly Digital World

At Feminuity, we're not shy about using emojis, but we do make sure to use them intentionally. Check out how in this blog!
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Let's Pause To Talk About Menopause and Ageism In The Workplace

Women are no strangers to the cross of ageism and sexism. One of the best examples of this is the stigma around menopause. Let's unpack this align on how to foster a menopause-friendly workplace.
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Hispanic Heritage Month For Whom?

As Hispanic Heritage Month arrives in the United States once again, we must all remain critical about what we’re celebrating, how we are celebrating, and for whom we are celebrating.
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Supporting Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Workplace

Pride-themed logos, products, and swag does not necessarily mean an organization is doing the difficult internal work that makes their workplace safer and more supportive of sexual and gender diversity
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Will Cryptocurrency Further Equity or Undermine it? It’s Complicated.

There are some critical, glaring concerns related to crypto that feel important to understand, especially as they pertain to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
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Do RFPs Gel With DEI? Let’s Re-Evaluate The Cost of Doing Business

While RFPs are standard across various sectors and industries, the process is often bureaucratic. As a result, it can reinforce various forms of inequity that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts seek to dismantle.
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Don’t Quant my Qual

Qualitative data provides us with context and richness that numbers alone cannot offer and it helps us gain insights that leaders desperately need. Indeed, data doesn't always need to be quantified to have meaning and validity.
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How Workplaces are Exclusionary to Fat Team Members (and How We Can Do Better)

Let's talk about fat bodies and how we can make office design, policies, and culture more inclusive of them.
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“Identify As”: Identity and Othering in Communities Experiencing Marginalization

“Identifies as” has morphed into a way of differentiating between what’s viewed as the ‘norm’ and what’s not.
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F*ck Professionalism: Creating a Workplace that Works for All

Maeve and Sarah explore “professionalism,” its ties to white supremacy, and its refusal to transform with our culture.
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Screen Tests; Name Fails

Sometimes pronouncing names involves listening with our eyes.
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Companies Need to Engage with the Political: Here’s How.

Maeve analyzes the misconception that companies must be neutral in political matters. Yes, the political is messy, at times uncomfortable, and undoubtedly controversial, but it’s also unavoidable. Don't take the easy way out with silence!
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From Reactive Actions to Strategic Change: Our Non-Negotiables for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in 2021

On a global level, 2020 was the year of reactive action, and 2021 must be the year of long-term, strategic direction.
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Cultural Appropriation, Black Vernacular English (BVE), and Digital Blackface on TikTok

The digital world, like the physical one, is unjust.
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Resource: Live Captioning for Remote Meetings & More

In our "new normal" of remote meetings, online accessibility has never been more important.
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Language & Inclusion: An Analysis Across Industries

Maeve pens a blog about how critical it is that we be thoughtful about the rhetoric we use in our business communications to avoid unconscious assumptions and erasures.
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Owning Up: The Unspoken Racism in White Allyship

In a personal blog, Dr. Saska explains that racism is quiet, subtle, and insidious, as much as it is loud, open, and obvious. She asks white people to consider what being white and anti-racist requires of them.
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The Road to an Equitable Recovery is Paved with Psychological Safety

COVID-19 has magnified systems of oppression and exploitation. We have an opportunity now to refuse to go back to “business as usual” and, instead, reevaluate inequitable practices.
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Tactical Ways to Show Respect for Names

Engage with our "Name Story" activity.
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The Weight of a Name

Our names can carry a lot of weight and significance.
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It’s Pronounced “/rI-spekt/”- On the Mispronunciation of Names

When encouraging people to bring their entire selves to our communities and workplaces, putting in the effort to learn pronunciation, and deconstruct stereotypes, helps make people feel more comfortable embracing their names.
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Feminuity Turns Five

Celebrate with us by learning about the origin of our name!
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Five Fundamentals of Equitable Employee Resource Groups

In all designs, we can either exacerbate existing inequities or make things better for everyone.
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We Can’t Call Ourselves Allies; We Have to Do The Work

Allyship is a verb, an ongoing practice, that should be described based on our continual actions.
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The Tech Founder's Blues: Why Mental Illness is Ravaging the Tech Industry

The same madness behind the innovative thinking that transforms our social fabric may also be responsible for a concerning mental illness epidemic amongst tech founders
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Equity in Sports: The Pressure of Elite Performance for Racialized Athletes

For many racialized athletes, the high stakes of being an elite performer is raised even higher because of their identities.
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Relative Privilege in the National Basketball Association (NBA): Why Star Players Lose With “Objective” Officiating

Let's explore the dynamic between referees and professional athletes.
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Three Ways Companies Can Celebrate Black History Month

First and foremost, do the work!
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