A collage depicting a woman of advanced age, a racialized person reading a document, a person with long hair, and a racialized person with dread locks

Build With Us

We partner with you to build solutions that work. No matter where you are in your DEI journey, we’ve got you covered.


Fractional DEI support that flexes and morphs to meet your needs, bandwidth, and budget. Access the right experts and tools to build team capacity and sustain efforts. 


We can work in the background, lead publicly, offer strategic partnership and expertise, project management, or coaching.


Get access to our team of expert practitioners with decades of experience working with a client roster of more than 150 leading organizations.


Get access to our ready-made tools, templates, and shared resources to save time and streamline your efforts.


First Aid
For teams in crises or dealing with an emergent challenge.

On Demand
For teams in need of ad hoc support when they want it.

On Retainer
For teams in need of ongoing and consistent support.


Identify organizational challenges and opportunities with our data-informed assessments. Determine your DEI baseline, industry benchmark, and DEI priorities to drive impact.



Our method balances the limits of data with the need for detail. Using surveys, interviews, focus groups, and reviews, we gain a full understanding of your organization.


Our data collection methods prioritize the identities of your people, considering over 40 unique diversity characteristics.


We prioritize privacy and security, keeping surveys anonymous and following strict reporting rules. We also respect Indigenous data rights and ethical standards.


Inclusion Maturity Index
For teams in need of a high-impact and budget friendly way to assess DEI efforts.

Targeted Review
For teams ready to evaluate the success or impact of a product, policy, process, or specific area of the organization.

For teams ready to go deep and get a holistic understanding of their organization.


Combine your insights with our expertise to collaboratively design solutions for your organization. From effective teams and governance models, to strategies, data systems, and solutions that scale.


Our unique co-design services blend your team’s insights with our expertise while designing the solutions you need.

We believe DEI efforts must align with the lived and learned experiences of your people and your organizational priorities to become part of the DNA overtime.

We prioritize data-informed and measurable strategies that align with
your team's capacity and priorities.


Team Design
For new or established teams ready to build effective governance models and action plans.

Strategy Design
For teams ready to design or revise a DEI strategy.

Data Systems Design
For teams ready to build infrastructure to evaluate and measure DEI efforts.

Solutions Design
For teams ready to design a specific initiative. 

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Aren’t surveys enough? Why do you offer qualitative and supplemental assessments as well?

We love data and numbers, but we also know that we’re all so much more than a data point, so we add nuance and context with stories and other materials to help us get a complete picture.

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What can we do to make sure the content is relevant to our organization?

We love working with organizations that want to customize the educational experience for their people. We offer “off-the-shelf” or custom learning experiences, and we’ll work with your team to understand your needs design a learning journey that’s right for your organization.

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Do you have a post-training evaluation or survey?

Yes! We give clients the chance to evaluate our session with a post-training survey. The survey is short (two minutes) and anonymous, with some metrics and some open-ended questions. We recommend embedding it into your engagement platform so all engagement data is centralized on one platform.

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How do you maintain engagement in remote sessions?

We maintain engagement by limiting the number of participants, using tools like Mentimeter, breaking out into groups for discussion amongst peers, and using adapted versions of our group activities.